Hatch is a project sharing site for sharing Scratch project files. Scratch is a great site for learning programming, but it is designed for young kids. Many users find themselves outgrowing it as they get older. We have also heard distaste from the Scratch community about adding new features to Scratch. So, all of this is why we decided to try to make our own platform, inspired by Scratch. We are very similar to Scratch, with have a close online community but with more relaxed rules.
Who can join Hatch?
We allow anyone who is aged 13 or older to join.
Why should I use Hatch?
There are other websites which allow the user to publish projects, however, Hatch is far less limited than many other platforms. We aim for transparent communication between the Hatch Team and Hatch users, and our rules are much more relaxed. We also have social features that some similar sites may not, such as commenting.
Why don't you have an editor?
We haven't implemented an editor yet because we didn't see a huge need to immediately. You can always use the Scratch Editor or the Turbowarp Editor and upload the *.sb3 file to Hatch.
Can I advertise Hatch or my Hatch Projects on Scratch?
No. Scratch has rules that prohibit sharing links to websites with looser moderation guidelines, because Scratch is a platform for users of all ages. Please do not share links to Hatch or mention Hatch anywhere on the Scratch website.